Amon Instrumentation
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What We Do

Amon Instrumentation & TSI Incorporated
Amon Electronics Ltd. is an established business since 1997 and located in Naas, Co.Kildare. We have exclusivity distribution of TSI instruments into the Irish market. TSI Inc. serves a global market by investigating, identifying and solving air measurement problems. As a result we will target people who place great importance in their indoor air quality equipment, air measurement solutions and own higher-end manufacturing sites with an emphasize on air quality such as Pharmaceutical, Food/Bev, Validation, Hospitals and Air conditioning companies.
TSI are an industry leader in the design and production of precision measurement instruments, TSI partners with research institutions and customers around the world to set the standard for measurements relating to aerosol science, air flow, chemical analysis, indoor air quality, fluid dynamics, biohazard detection, and even scrap metal sorting and plastics identification. With headquarters based in the U.S. and field offices throughout Europe and Asia, TSI has established a worldwide presence. TSI researchers and engineers have been granted more than 50 patents and have a proven record of developing instruments that are the first, the only, and the best of their kind.
Participation in societies and standards committees has long been a TSI priority. Their engineers have chaired or sat on a variety of committees, with involvement in such organizations as ASHRAE, ANSI, AIHA and AAAR. Their staff and products are involved in current global issues, such as diesel engine exhaust reduction, biohazard protection, homeland security, environmental pollution, workplace comfort and facility monitoring. Data provided by our instruments are used in monitoring and research applications destined to have a long-term impact on humankind and the world around us.
With over 50 years of experience in the field, TSI have earned a reputation as an industry leader. They employ more than 500 motivated and skilled individuals with a broad range of industry expertise, from indoor air quality control to aerosol research. Their experts work hand-in-hand with the scientific community to develop and produce technically sophisticated instruments that meet evolving measurement needs. They are fully committed to setting the industry standard for precision instruments. TSI’s instruments, including Airflow and Alnor brands, are recognized worldwide for accurate, consistent results. We field-test each of our designs to ensure extreme precision. TSI stations staff members across the globe, and we are always prepared to assist you with questions, product services and instrument calibration.